Over 35 Years of Providing Metallurgical Analysis

Failure Analysis

Failure analysis services provide answers to the questions “How?” and “Why?” when a critical component fails. Understanding engineered materials lends greater insight into the root cause of unexpected mechanical, thermal, and corrosion damage. Our laboratory is equipped with a wide variety of metallurgical and photographic instruments used to conduct failure analysis investigations. Investigations are conducted by an experienced and highly skilled staff of metallurgists trained in such disciplines as: 

Microstructural Characterization of Metals 
DNFM’s metallographic microscope is designed to document microstructure images at 63x, 125x, 247x, and 500x magnifications. Metallographic preparation and examination can reveal important features at the fracture face that may have gone unnoticed from different perspectives. Inspecting a cross section of the fracture face for plastic deformation, secondary cracking, and evidence of corrosion is essential to a failure analysis investigation.

Chemical Composition of Deposits
Corrosion Mechanism Identification
Welding Metallurgy
Mechanical Testing
Non-destructive Testing
Chemical Analysis

Typical Projects conducted in the laboratory consist of:

Evaluation of Elevated Temperature Creep Rupture Materials 
Failure Analysis
Root Cause Investigation
Metallurgical Replications
Weld Examination and Evaluation

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For non boiler tube sampling guidelines call 502-955-9847 or email contact@davidnfrench.com